Have you been called to service…
The Church has always had leaders who minister to the community gathered every Sunday. These leaders would preach the Good News, preside at the altar, and serve the community. As the Church continued to grow, it became more organized and needed a structure to better assist in its mission. This development gives us the three-fold ministry that we have today: Deaconate, Priest, and Bishop.
In the Celtic Cross Communion, Ordination is not limited to celibates. We believe that God calls to the ministry which he wills, and the Church has to recognize that call.
Complete the Application and collect all required documentation and religious certificates:
a. Certificates / documents required are:
i. Baptism ii. First Communion iii. Confirmation.
b. Marriage(s) (if applicable, including Holy Union Ceremonies or Domestic Partnerships).
c. Copies of civil divorce decrees/annulments/grants of dissolution (if applicable).
d. Married candidates must also provide the written consent of their spouse (this is an original document and must have the original signature of the spouse) before Formation/Incardination with the Celtic Cross Communion.
e. Ordination or Solemn Profession (if applicable for Incardination).
f. Consent to a Background Check.
g. Any additional documents deemed necessary by the Office of Vocation, Presiding Bishop, and, or Board of Directors.
The Office of Vocation evaluates the Applicant’s packet, and the Directors are assembled by the Presiding Bishop, who then makes a recommendation (rejection or accepting) regarding the Applicant.
The Presiding Bishop then accepts or rejects the Candidate. The Presiding Bishop reserves the right to admit or deny the Applicant to Formation or Incardination, regardless of the recommendation by the Office of Vocation.
Seminary Studies
The Seminarian continues their studies at their own pace and in their time frame, as mutually determined with his/her academic advisor. Seminary studies should not last longer than three years since the Seminarian moves at their own pace. They can complete classes and examinations as quickly as they wish, and their faculty allows them.
The Seminarian will continue their formation studies. The Candidacy and Formation Studies is a time for reflection on the serious matter of Holy Orders Priesthood. The Candidate declares their intention to move to the Order of Diaconate. There is no specific ritual dedicated to the Candidacy since it is a time of formal and final discernment. Diaconate Ordination is established at a time and place mutually agreed upon by the Candidate and Presiding Bishop, and at least six months before Ordination to the Sacred Order of the Presbyterate (Priesthood). The Deacon and Presiding Bishop work out a mutually agreed upon schedule and place for Priesthood Ordination, pending successful completion of seminary studies. The Candidate signs the Letter of Conformity before the Diaconate Ordination.
Holy Order of Deaconate is celebrated at the end of their formation studies. Ordination to the Holy Order of Priesthood. The Deacon is recommended by his/her academic advisor and mentor. The Diaconate ordination is usually celebrated at the upcoming Synod. A Letter of Faculties is given to the Deacon explaining the parameters of a public celebration of the Sacraments and commission to preach and teach. The Deaconate is NO LESS than six months in length, allowing the Deacon to celebrate sacraments and ministry.

Upon successful completion of the seminary studies, the Deacon is recommended by his/her academic advisor and mentor for advancement to the Holy Order of Priesthood. The Presbyteral Ordination ceremony is usually done at the Priest Ordination home location, allowing family and friends full participation in the Priest’s Ordination. The Deacon is not to be ordained to the Presbyterate unless their seminary studies are completed, and their faculty recommend them. The Deacon needs to understand this when they are applying for Priesthood Ordination.
If you are an Ordained Priest or a Deacon and wish to pursue incardination with the CCC, the requirements above are the same for a request for incardination of an ordained cleric or professed religious member.
Upon the Office of Vocation’s recommendation that the cleric is accepted as an active cleric in the CCC, a date is set between the Clergy Applicant and the Presiding Bishop for their formal Rite of Incardination.
At the Rite of Incardination, the Presiding Bishop presents the incoming cleric with a Certificate of Incardination in the CCC.
Email our Vocation Director at fathernick12156@gmail.com with the respective documentation.