FAMILY TREE OF THE CCC Catholic: Celtic Cross Old Catholic Church -World Head Bishop: ++ Archbishop Nicholas Cocchiaro -Western U.S. Archdiocese: ++ Archbishop Benito P. Sagra (Patriarch and Presiding Bishop of the Celtic Cross Communion International) -Eastern U.S. Archdiocese: ++ Archbishop Nicholas J. Cucchiaro (Secretary General, College of Bishops, Celtic Cross Communion International) and + Bishop-Elect Coadjutor Carl P Pappalardo. -Diocese of Alabama: ++Archbishop Rita Strugala (suffragan diocese of the Archdiocese of the Eastern U.S.). -Old Catholic Church of Europe: ++ Archbishop Miguel Dongil y Sánchez (Head Bishop) Archdiocese of Gijón: ++ Archbishop Miguel Dongil y Sánchez (with jurisdiction over Spain and Spanish Speaking Communities) and Misionary Rev. Fr. Chris Luzgano United Kingdom Archdiocese: + Bishop-Elect Jeffrey Leach. -Old Catholic Church of Africa: ++ Missionary Archbishop Miguel Dongil y Sánchez -Saudi Arabia and Middle Eastern Countries Missions: Father-Elect Zabiullah. Anglican: Celtic Cross Anglican Church International -United Kingdom Archdiocese: ++ Archbishop Ian Gaylard (Overhead Bishop). -Episcopal Anglican Church of Asia Pacific Region: ++ Archbishop N. Stephen (Head Bishop). -Anglican Church of African Region: Vacant Evangelical: Celtic Cross Evangelical Church -United States: + Archbishop Apostle Rob Taylor (Head). -Prayer Warriors Division of the Celtic Cross Evangelical Church and Diocese of California (under Archbishop Apostle Rob Taylor Head Bishop, the Celtic Cross Evangelical Church, USA): + Bishop Alton Chatman (Head). -Asia Pacific Division: ++ Archbishop Kashif Alexander (Head). Orthodox: Celtic Cross Orthodox Church -Russia Archdiocese: ++ Archbishop Vsevolod Malakhov. Celtic Cross Free Church USA -Head: Vacant International Order of Exorcists and Paranormal Practitioners Head Bishop: ++ Archbishop Rita Strugala Exorcist Clergy: Reverend Mother Lesley Bianca Bonga, the Reverend Mother Eri Suri and the Reverend Mother Stephanie Brady. Media Group CCC -Responsible: ++ Archbishop Nicholas J. Cucchiaro. -Web Manager: ++ Archishop Miguel Dongil y Sánchez. Monasteries and Convents -For Men: Celtic Cross Saint Joseph of Arimathea. -For Women: Celtic Cross Saint Scholastica Monastery. -For Lay Monastics: Celtic Cross Saint John. -Abbot General: Vacant Celtic Cross Communion Main Tree -Patriarch and Presiding Bishop: ++ Archbishop Benito P. Sagra -Secretary General: ++ Archbishop Miguel Dongil y Sánchez. -Canonist: + Bishop-Elect Jeffrey Leach. -Chief Exorcists: ++ Archbishop Rita Strugala -Exorcists: ++ Archbishop Ian Gaylard, ++ Archbishop Nicholas J. Cucchiaro, + Bishop Robert Lawson and Reverend Mother Lesley Bonga. -International Peace Apostolic Representative: ++ Archbishop Ian Gaylard. -Legal Advisor: ++ Archbishop Kashif Alexander. -Lay Missionary Group of Celtic Cross: + Bishop David Pasqua. -Theological Seminary of Celtic Cross: Rector: ++ Archbishop Nicholas J. Cucchiaro. Dean of Studies: ++ Archbishop Miguel Dongil y Sánchez. Vocation Director: Pending. Vocation Board Advisor: Pending. -International Theology Director: + Bishop Kenneth O. Ikeh. -Associated Centers of Seminary: Coordinator of Saint Peter Theological College Seminary: ++ Archbishop N. Stephen of India. Coordinator of College of Theology and Bishop,s Academy: ++Archbishop Joseph Akinyomi of Apostolic Synod of Charismatic Bishops, of Africa. Promoter of Studies and Vocations for Africa: Vacant Coordinator of School of Exorcism: ++ Archbishop Rita Strugala. Coordinator of School of Demonology: Reverend Mother Lesley Bonga. |