The Celtic Cross Communion is the home of many Churches gathered into one Communion.
Our story came out of the prayer and hope of Jesus in John 17:21, “…that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so the world may believe that you have sent me.”
Initially, in 2009, God extended a personal call that broke the ground for the Celtic Cross Foundation of Ministry. By 2021, the Ministry had grown into an International Communion of Clerics and Lay Faithful. Together we brought different scattered churches around the world to form a church after the very heart and vision of Jesus Christ for the new millennium. We have evolved into the Celtic Cross Communion, an institution officially registered as a non-profit organization in the State of Pennsylvania (established in 2022).
As of this date, the Celtic Cross Communion consists of the following church groups as regular and affiliated members:
Old Catholic, Evangelical, Anglican, Orthodox, Pentecostal, Charismatic and Episcopal churches. Our different actions for ministry include:
The Celtic Cross Communion memberships are found in the United States, Spain, United Kingdom, Russia, Dominican Republic, Haiti, India, Pakistan, West Africa, Nigeria, and Uganda.
Catering to the spiritual needs of many from all walks and backgrounds of Christian Spiritual Faiths, we continue to grow and welcome others to join us.
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Disclaimer: The Celtic Cross Communion is NOT a funding agency Church. We operate as self sufficient church ministry in each church branch. We also operate as independent church branches yet in full communion with the Mother Church: The Celtic Cross Communion.