The Celtic Cross Communion is the home of many Churches gathered into one Communion. 

Our story came out of the prayer and hope of Jesus in John 17:21, “…that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you.  May they also be in us so the world may believe that you have sent me.” 

Initially, in 2009, God extended a personal call that broke the ground for the Celtic Cross Foundation of Ministry. By 2021, the Ministry had grown into an International Communion of Clerics and Lay Faithful. Together we brought different scattered churches around the world to form a church after the very heart and vision of Jesus Christ for the new millennium. We have evolved into the Celtic Cross Communion, an institution officially registered as a non-profit organization in the State of Pennsylvania (established in 2022).

As of this date, the Celtic Cross Communion consists of the following church groups as regular and affiliated members: 

Old Catholic, Evangelical, Anglican, Orthodox, Pentecostal, Charismatic and Episcopal churches. Our different actions for ministry include: 

  • Ministry for the sick and elderly, 
  • Ministry for those in substance abuse, 
  • Ministry to the orphans and widows, 
  • Ministry to those who are victims of human trafficking and injustice, 
  • Ministry for victims of domestic violence,
  • Ministry to prisoners, 
  • Ministry to families and children, 
  • Ministry to tribal communities, 
  • Ministry of prayer and pilgrimages,
  • Special Ministry of Exorcism,
  • Special Ministry of Peace Intervention and Conflict Resolution,
  • Special Ministry for Weddings, Baptism, Funeral and other para Sacramental services.

The Celtic Cross Communion memberships are found in the United States, Spain, United Kingdom, Russia, Dominican Republic, Haiti, India, Pakistan, West Africa, Nigeria, and Uganda.

Catering to the spiritual needs of many from all walks and backgrounds of Christian Spiritual Faiths, we continue to grow and welcome others to join us.

Contact email:

Disclaimer: The Celtic Cross Communion is NOT a funding agency Church. We operate as self sufficient church ministry in each church branch. We also operate as independent church branches yet in full communion with the Mother Church: The Celtic Cross Communion.


Apostolic Succession…

In Christianity, the teaching that Bishops represent a direct, uninterrupted line of continuity from the Apostles of Jesus Christ. 

According to this teaching, Bishops possess certain special powers handed down to them from the Apostles; these consist primarily of the right to confirm Church members, to ordain Priests, to consecrate other Bishops, and to govern over the Clergy and Church members in their Diocese (an area made up of several congregations).

AD 95 Clement, Bishop of Rome, in his letter to the church in Corinth (First Letter of Clement), expressed the view that Bishops succeeded the Apostles. The Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Old Catholic, Swedish Lutheran, and Anglican Churches accept the doctrine of Apostolic succession and believe that the only valid ministry is based on Bishops whose office has descended from the Apostles.

The Apostolic Succession of the Imperial Patriarchate passes through Roman and Eastern Bishops to the Apostles and Jesus Christ. The documentary terminus of the Apostolic lineage of the Imperial Patriarchate is, like that of Old Roman Catholics in general, older than that of the modern Roman Communion by over a century. The Apostolic lineage passed to the Imperial Patriarchate in unbroken succession includes not only the founder of its legacy, Pope Leo X, but also Pope St. Pius V, Pope Paul III, Pope Clement VIII, and Pope Urban VIII, the Medici Popes Clement VII and Leo XI, among other Popes, as well as Patriarchs of Jerusalem and Constantinople, and several princes and electors of the Holy Roman Empire.

1. ROMAN CATHOLIC LINE OF SUCCESSION (Primary) of ++ Carl Allen Jimenez

+Jesus Christ+ to Apostles James, John, Andrew, Simon, Matthew, Jude, Bartholomew, Phillip, James, Thomas, Peter and their successors, the Bishops of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, 33 A.D. to 1566 A.D.

1. St. Peter the Apostle

2. St. Linus

3. St. Anacletus

4. St. Clement I

5. St. Evaristus

6. St. Alexander I

7. St. Sixtus I

8. St. Telephorus

9. St. Hyginus

10. St. Pius I

11. St. Anicetus

12. St. Soter

13. St. Eleutherius

14. St. Victor I

15. St. Zephyrinus

16. St. Callistus I

17. St. Urban I

18. St. Pontian

19. St. Anterus

20. St. Fabian

21. St. Cornelius

22. St. Lucius I

23. St. Stephen I

24. St. Sixtus II

25. St. Dionysius

26. St. Felix I

27. St. Eutychian

28. St. Caius

29. St. Mercellinus

30. St. Marcellus I

31. St. Eusebius

32. St. Miltiades

33. St. Sylvester

34. St. Mark

35. St. Julius I

36. St. Liberius

37. St. Damascus

38. St. Siricius

39. St. Anastasius I

40. St. Innocent I

41. St. Zosimus

42. St. Boniface I

43. St. Celestine I

44. St. Sixtus III

45. St. Leo I The Great

46. St. Hilarus

47. St. Simplicius

48. St. Felix III

49. St. Gelasius I

50. Anastasius II

51. St. Symmachus

52. St. Hormisdas

53. St. John I

54. St. Felix IV

55. Boniface II

56. St. John II

57. St. Agapitus I

58. St. Silverius

59. Vigilius

60. Palagius I

61. John III

62. Benedict I

63. Pelagius II

64. St. Gregory I The Great

65. Sabinianus

66. Boniface III

67. St. Boniface IV

68. St. Adeodatus I

69. Boniface V

70. Honorius I

71. Severinus

72. John IV

73. Theodore I

74. St. Martin I

75. St. Eugenius I

76. St. Vitalian

77. Adeodatus II

78. Donus

79. St. Agatho

80. St. Leo II

81. St. Benedict II

82. John V

83. Conon

84. St. Sergius I

85. John VI

86. John VII

87. Sissinius

88. Constantine

89. St. Gregory II

90. St. Gregory III

91. St. Zacharias

92. Stephen II

93. St. Paul I

94. Stephen III

95. Adrian I

96. St. Leo III

97. Stephen IV

98. St. Paschal I

99. Eugenius II

100. Valentine

101. Gregory IV

102. Sergius II

103. St. Leo IV

104. Benedict III

105. St. Nicholas I

106. Adrian II

107. John VIII

108. Marinus I

109. St. Adrian III

110. Stephen V

111. Formosus

112. Boniface VI

113. Stephen VI

114. Romanus

115. Theodore II

116. John IX

117. Benedict IV

118. Leo V

119. Sergius III

120. Anastasius III

121. Lando

122. John X

123. Leo VI

124. John XI

125. Leo VII

126. Stephen VII

127. Stephen VIII

128. Marinus II

129. Agapetus II

130. John XII

131. Leo VIII

132. Benedict V

133. John XIII

134. Benedict VI

135. Benedict VII

136. John XIV

137. John XV

138. Gregory V

139. Sylvester II

140. John XVII

141. John XVIII

142. Sergius IV

143. Benedict VIII

144. John XIX

145. Benedict IX

146. Sylvester III

147. Gregory VI

148. Clement II

149. Damasus II

150. St. Leo IX

151. Victor II

152. Stephen IX

153. Nicholas II

154. Alexander II

155. St. Gregory VII

156. Blessed Victor III

157. Blessed Urban II

158. Paschal II

159. Gelasiur II

160. Callistus II

161. Honorius II

162. Innocent II

163. Celestine II

164. Lucius II

165. Blessed Eugenius III

166. Anastasius IV

167. Adrian IV

168. Alexander III

169. Lucius III

170. Urban III

171. Gregory VIII

172. Clement III

173. Celestine III

174. Innocent III

175. Honorius III

176. Gregory IX

177. Celestine IV

178. Innocent IV

179. Alexander IV

180. Urban IV

181. Clement IV

182. Blessed Gregory X

183. Blessed Innocent V

184. Adrian V

185. John XXI

186. Nicholas III

187. Martin IV

188. Honorius IV

189. Nicholas IV

190. St. Celestine V

191. Boniface VIII

192. Blessed Benedict XI

193. Clement V

194. John XXII & Nicholas V

195. Benedict XII

196. Clement VI

197. Innocent VI

198. Blessed Urban V

199. Gregory XI

200. Urban VI

201. Boniface IX

202. Innocent VII

203. Gregory XII

204. Martin V

205. Eugenius IV

206. Nicholas V

207. Callistus III

208. Pius II

209. Paul II

210. Sixtus IV

211. Innocent VIII

212. Alexander VI

213. Pius III

214. Julius II

215. Leo X

216. Adrian VI

217. Clement VII

218. Paul III

219. Julius III

220. Marcellus II

221. Paul IV

222. Pius IV

223. St. Pius V

224. Gregory XIII

225. Sixtus V

226. Urban VII

227. Gregory XIV

228. Innocent IX

229. Clement VIII

230. Leo XI

231. Paul V

232. Gregory XV

233. Urban VIII

234. Innocent X

235. Alexander VII

236. Antonio Cardinal Barberini

237. Charles Maurice Letellier

238. Jacques Benigne Bossuet

239. Jacques Goyon de Matignon

240. Dominique Marie Varlet

241. Petrus Johannes Meindaerts

242. Johannes van Stiphout

243. Walter van Nieuwenhuisen

244. Adrian Broekman

245. Johannes Jacobus van Rhijn

246. Gijsbert de Jong

247. Willibrord van Os

248. Johannes Bon

249. Johannes van Santen

250. Herman Heykamp

251. Gaspard Johannes Rinkel

252. Gerardus Gul

253. Arnold Harris Mathew

254. Rudolph de Landes Berghes

255. Carmel Henry Carfora

256. Francis Xavier Resch

257. Walter Xavier Brown

258. Robert Francis Bishop

259. Jack Earl Holman (John Cyprian)

260. Carl Allen Jimenez

261. Kenneth L. Denski was consecrated on January 22, 2005.

262. Nicholas J. Cucchiaro was consecrated on November 12, 2020.

263. Benito P. Sagra was consecrated on December 27, 2020.

264. Rita Strugala LaGrow was consecrated on April 7,2022

264. Miguel Dongil Sánchez was consecrated on April 22, 2023.

2-ROMAN CATHOLIC LINE OF SUCCESSION (Second) of ++ Carl Allen Jimenez

+Jesus Christ+ to Apostles James, John, Andrew, Simon, Matthew, Jude, Bartholomew, Phillip, James, Thomas, Peter and their successors, the Bishops of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, 33 A.D. to 1566 A.D.

1. Scipione Cardinal Rebiba

2. Cardinal Santorio

3. Cardinal Bernerio

4. Archbishop San Vitale

5. Cardinal Ludovisi

6. Cardinal Caetani

7. Cardinal Carpegna

8. Cardinal Altieri

9. Benedict XIII (Orsini)

10. Benedict XIV (Lambertini)

11. Clement XIII (delle Torre Rezzonico)

12. Bernardino Cardinal Giraud

13. Alexander Cardinal Mattei

14. Pietro Franceso Cardinal Galeffi

15. Giacomo Filippo Cardinal Fransoni

16. Carlo Cardinal Sacconi

17. Edward Cardinal Howard

18. Mariano Cardinal Rampolla del Tindaro

19. Joaquim Cardinal Arcoverde de Albuquerque-Calvacanti

20. Sebastiano Cardinal de Silveira Cintra

21. Carlos Duarte-Costa

22. Luis Fernando Castillo-Mendez

23. Stephen M. Corradi-Scarella

24. Albert A. Steer

25. James A. Vick

26. Alfred J. White

27. M. Joseph Turnage

28. Max Broussard

29. Carl Allen Jimenez

30. Kenneth L. Denski was consecrated on January 22, 2005.

31. Nicholas J. Cucchiaro was consecrated on November 12, 2020.

32. Benito P. Sagra was consecrated on December 27, 2020.

33. Rita Strugala LaGrow was consecrated on July 6, 2022.

33. Miguel Dongil Sánchez was consecrated on April 22, 2023.

3-Old Catholic Line of Succession of ++ Carl Allen Jimenez:

Geradus Gul, Archbishop of Utrecht, Holland

Arnold Harris Mathew

Prince de Landas-Berghes

Carmel Hanry Carfora

Frederick Littler Pyman

John L. Schaffer

M. Joseph Turnage

Max Broussard

Carl Allen Jimenez

Kenneth L. Denski was consecrated on January 22, 2005.

Nicholas J. Cucchiaro was consecrated on November 12, 2020.

Benito P. Sagra was consecrated on December 27, 2020.

Rita Strugala LaGrow was consecrated on April 7,2022.

Miguel Dongil Sánchez was consecrated on April 22, 2023.

4-ROMAN CATHOLIC LINE OF SUCCESSION (Third) of ++ Joseph A. Grenier:

1. Scipione Cardinal Rebiba

2. Giuglio Cardinal Santorio

3. Girolamo Cardinal Bernerio

4. Galeazzo San Vitale

5. Ludovico Cardinal Ludovisi

6. Luigi Cardinal Caetani

7. Ulderico Cardinal Carpegna

8. Paluzzo Cardinal Altieri degli Albertoni

9. Benedict XIII (Orsini)

10. Benedict XIV (Lambertini)

11. Clement XIII (delle Torre Rezzonico)

12. Bernadinus Giraud was consecrated on April 26, 1767, by Pope Clement XIII (Carol della Torre Rezzoni).

13. Alexander Matthaeus was consecrated on February 23, 1777, by Bernadinus Giraud.

14. Petrus Franciscus Galetti was consecrated on September 12, 1819, by Alexander Matthaeus.

15. Iacobus Phillipus Fransoni was consecrated on December 8, 1822, by Petrus Franciscus Galetti.

16. Carolus Sacconi was consecrated on June 8, 1851, by Iacobus Phillipus Fransoni.

17. Edward Howard was consecrated on June 30, 1872, by Carolus Sacconi.

18. Mariano Rampolla Marchese del Tindaro was consecrated on December 8, 1882, by Edward Howard.

19. Joaquin Arcoverde de Albuquerque-Calvacanti was consecrated on October 26, 1890, by Mariano Rampolla Marchese del Tindaro.

20. Sebastiao Leme de Silveira Cintra was consecrated on June 4, 1911, by Joaquin Arcoverde de Albuquerque-Calvacanti.

21. Carlos Duarte Costa was consecrated on December 8, 1924, by Sebastiao Leme de Silveira Cintra. Bishop Duarte Costa served as a Roman Catholic bishop from 1924 to 1945, established the Catholic Apostolic Church of Brazil on July 6, 1945, and was Patriarch of the Catholic Apostolic Church from 1945 to 1961.

a) Luis Fernando Castillo Mendez was consecrated on May 3, 1948, by Carlos Duarte Costa. Bishop Castillo Mendez has been Patriarch of the Catholic Apostolic Church since 1961.

Justo Gonzalez was consecrated in May, 1989, by Luis Fernando Castillo Mendez (sub conditione, to assure valid succession through Carlos Duarte Costa from a principal consecrator).

Donald J. Buttenbusch was consecrated on September 22, 1990, by Justo Gonzalez.

Raymond F. Kelly was consecrated on February 17, 1996, by Donald J. Buttenbusch.

Joseph A. Grenier was consecrated on April 6, 1997, by Raymond F. Kelly as a co-consecrator.

Kenneth L. Denski was consecrated on January 22, 2005 by Joseph A. Grenier.

Nicholas J. Cucchiaro was consecrated on November 12, 2020 by Kenneth. K. Denski.

Benito P. Sagra was consecrated on December 27, 2020 by Nicholas J. Cucchiaro.

Rita Strugala LaGrow was consecrated on April 7, 2022 by Nicholas J. Cucchiaro and Benito P. Sagra.

Miguel Dongil Sánchez was consecrated on April 22, 2023 by Nicholas Cucchiaro and Benito P. Sagra.

b) Salmeo Ferraz was consecrated on August 15, 1945, by Carlos Duarte Costa.

Manuel Ceja Lananjeina was consecrated on May 29, 1951, by Salmeo Ferraz.

Benedito Lima was consecrated on August 15, 1965, by Manuel Ceja Lananjeina.

Jose Machado was consecrated on August 1, 1966, by Benedito Lima.

Oscar Fernandez was consecrated on December 2, 1967, by Jose Machado.

Michael Saffiero was consecrated on April 29, 1973, by Oscar Fernandez.

Renier Lauters was consecrated in November, 1976, by Michael Saffiero.

Charles McCarthy was consecrated on April 30, 1977, by Renier Lauters.

Charles David Luther was consecrated on September 25, 1977, by Charles McCarthy as co-consecrator, the principal consecrator being Francis Jerome Joachim.

Martin J. Hill was consecrated on February 5, 1983, by Charles David Luther as co-consecrator, the principal consecrator being Wallace David de Ortega Maxey.

Justo Gonzalez was consecrated on June 26, 1983, by Martin J. Hill as co-consecrator, the principal consecrator being Francis Jerome Joachim.

Donald J. Buttenbusch was consecrated on September 22, 1990, by Justo Gonzalez.

Raymond F. Kelly was consecrated on February 17, 1996, by Donald J. Buttenbusch.

Joseph A. Grenier was consecrated on April 6, 1997, by Raymond F. Kelly as a co-consecrator.

Kenneth L. Denski was consecrated on January 22, 2005 by Joseph A. Grenier.

Nicholas J. Cucchiaro was consecrated on November 12, 2020 by Kenneth. K. Denski.

Benito P. Sagra was consecrated on December 27, 2020 by Nicholas J. Cucchiaro.

Rita Strugala LaGrow was consecrated on April 7,2022 by Nicholas J. Cucchiaro and Benito P. Sagra.

Miguel Dongil Sánchez was consecrated on April 22, 2023 by Nicholas Cucchiaro and Benito P. Sagra.

5-Antiochian-Jacobite Line of Succession of ++ Joseph A. Grenier:

Mar Ignatius Peter III was consecrated in1872.

Paulose Mar Athanasius (Kadavil Kooran) was consecrated on December 4, 1907, by Mar Ignatius Peter III as Syrian Antioch Bishop of Kottayam and Metropolitan of Malabar (India).

Mar Julius I (Antonio Francis Xavier Alvares) was consecrated July 28, 1889, by Paulose Mar Athanasius, under the authority of Patriarch Ignatius Peter III to be Archbishop of the Latin Rite Independent Catholic Church of Ceylon, Goa, and India.

Joseph Rene Vilatte was consecrated on May 29, 1892, in Colombo, Ceylon, by Mar Julius I, under the authority of a Bull of Mar Ignatius Peter III, to serve as Archbishop of North America.

Fredrick E. Lloyd was consecrated in 1915; Samuel Gregory Lines, in 1923; Justin Boyle, in 1927; Lowel Paul Wadle, in1940;

Herman Adrian Spruit was consecrated in 1957 by Lowel Paul Wadle, C. Hampton, C. Hanlon, and F. Marshall.

Robert E. Burns was consecrated on July 12, 1980, by Herman A. Spruit.

Ivan B. MacKillop was consecrated on November 30, 1984, by Robert E. Burns and Patricia DuMont-Ford.

Joseph A. Grenier was consecrated on April 6, 1997, by Ivan B. MacKillop as principal consecrator.  

Kenneth L. Denski was consecrated on January 22, 2005 by Joseph A. Grenier.

Nicholas J. Cucchiaro was consecrated on November 12, 2020 by Kenneth. K. Denski.

Benito P. Sagra was consecrated on December 27, 2020 by Nicholas J. Cucchiaro.

Rita Strugala LaGrow was consecrated on April 7, 2022 by Nicholas J. Cucchiaro and Benito P. Sagra.

Miguel Dongil Sánchez was consecrated on April 22, 2023 by Nicholas Cucchiaro and Benito P. Sagra.

6-Roman-Old Catholic Line of Succession of ++ Joseph A. Grenier:

Antonio Barberini, the nephew of Pope Urban VIII, was consecrated in 1655 under the authority of the Bishop of Rome, Pope Alexander VII, by Bishops Scanarello, Bottini, and Govotti.

Michael le Tellier was consecrated in 1668 by Antonio Barberini.

Jaques-Benigne Bossuet was consecrated in 1670 by Michael le Tellier.

James Coyon de Matignon was consecrated in 1693 by Jacques-Benigne Bossuet.

Dominicus Marie Varlet was consecrated in 1719 by James Coyon de Matignon, became Roman Catholic Bishop of Babylon in 1717, and was later suspended from office.

Cornelius Van Steenhoven was consecrated on October 15, 1724, by Dominicus Marie Varlet to serve as Archbishop of Utrecht, the Primatial See of Holland, which had been without a bishop for 18 years for refusing to cooperate in the persecution of the “Jansenists” in Holland. In this consecration was born the Old Catholic Church.

Johannes Van Stiphout was consecrated in1745.

Gaultherus Michael Van Niewenhuizen, in 1786.

Adrian Brockman, in 1778.

Johannes Jacobus Van Rhijn, in1797; Gilbertus de Jong, in1805; Wilibrordus Van Os, in1814; Johannes Bon, in1819; Johannes Van Santen, in1825; Hermanus Heijkamp, in1854; Casparus Johannes Rinkel, in1873; Gerardus Gul, in1892.

Arnold Harris Matthew was consecrated on April 28, 1908, by Gerardus Gul of Utrecht, assisted by Bishop J. J. Van Thiel of Haarlem, Bishop N. B. P. Spit of Deventer, and Bishop J. Demmel of Bonn, Germany, to serve as the first Old Catholic Bishop of Britain.

Fredrick Wiloughby was consecrated in1914; James I. Wedgewood, in1916; Irving S. Cooper, in1919; Charles Hampton, in1931.

Herman A. Spruit was consecrated in 1957 by Charles Hampton as principal consecrator.

Robert E. Burns was consecrated on July 12, 1980, by Herman A. Spruit.

Ivan B. MacKillop was consecrated on November 30, 1984, by Robert E. Burns and Patricia DuMont-Ford.

Joseph A. Grenier was consecrated on April 6, 1997, by Ivan B. MacKillop as principal consecrator. 

Kenneth L. Denski was consecrated on January 22, 2005 by Joseph A. Grenier.

Nicholas J. Cucchiaro was consecrated on November 12, 2020 by Kenneth. K. Denski.

Benito P. Sagra was consecrated on December 27, 2020 by Nicholas J. Cucchiaro.

Rita Strugala LaGrow was consecrated on April 7, 2022 by Nicholas J. Cucchiaro and Benito P. Sagra.

Miguel Dongil Sánchez was consecrated on April 22, 2023 by Nicholas Cucchiaro and Benito P. Sagra.

7-The United Old Catholic Church Line of Succession of ++ Joseph A. Grenier:

Arnold Harris Matthew was consecrated on April 28, 1908, by Gerardus Gul of Utrecht, assisted by Bishop J. J. Van Thiel of Haarlem, Bishop N. B. P. Spit of Deventer and Bishop J. Demmel of Bonn, Germany, to serve as the first Old Catholic Bishop of Britain.

De Landas Berghes et de la Roch was consecrated by Arnold Harris Matthew.

Carmel Henry Carfora was consecrated on October 4, 1912, by De Landas Berghes et de la Roch.

Hubert Augustus Rodgers was consecrated on July 30, 1942, by Carmel Henry Carfora.

James Edward Burns was consecrated on November 10, 1968, by Hubert Augustus Rodgers.

Armand C. Whitehead was consecrated on January 24, 1970, by James Edward Burns.

Joseph A. Grenier was consecrated on April 6, 1997, by Armand C. Whitehead as a co-consecrator

Kenneth L. Denski was consecrated on January 22, 2005 by Joseph A. Grenier.

Nicholas J. Cucchiaro was consecrated on November 12, 2020 by Kenneth. K. Denski.

Benito P. Sagra was consecrated on December 27, 2020 by Nicholas J. Cucchiaro.

 Rita Strugala LaGrow was consecrated on April 7, 2022 by Nicholas J. Cucchiaro and Benito P. Sagra.

Miguel Dongil Sánchez was consecrated on April 22, 2023 by Nicholas Cucchiaro and Benito P. Sagra.

8-The Roman Catholic Church Line of Succession of ++ Peter Paul Brennan:

1. Scipione Cardinal Rebiba, Cardinal-Priest of Sant’Anastasia, who on March 22, 1566, consecrated

2. Giulio Antonio Cardinal Santorio, Cardinal-Priest of San Bartolomeo all’Isola, who on September 7, 1586, consecrated

3. Girolamo Cardinal Bernerio, O.P., Cardinal-Bishop of Albano, who on April 4, 1604, consecrated

4. Archbishop Galeazzo Sanvitale, Archbishop Emeritus of Bari (-Canosa)), who on May 2, 1621, consecrated

5. Ludovico Cardinal Ludovisi, Archbishop of Bologna, who on June 12, 1622, consecrated,

6. Luigi Cardinal Caetani, Cardinal-Priest of Santa Pudenziana, who on October 7, 1630, consecrated,

7. Ulderico Cardinal Carpegna, Cardinal-Priest of Santa Maria in Trastevere, who on May 2, 1666, consecrated,

8. Paluzzo Cardinal Paluzzi Altieri Degli Albertoni, Chamberlain (Camerlengo) of the Apostolic Chamber, who on February 3, 1675, consecrated,

9. Pope Benedict XIII (Pietro Francesco (Vincenzo Maria) Orsini de Gravina, O.P.), who on July 16, 1724, consecrated,

10. Pope Benedict XIV (Prospero Lorenzo Lambertini), who on March 19, 1743, consecrated

11. Pope Clement XIII (Carlo della Torre Rezzonico), who on April 25, 1762, consecrated,

12. Marcantonio Cardinal Colonna (Jr.), Cardinal-Priest of Santa Maria della Pace, who on March 2, 1777, consecrated,

13. Hyacinthe-Sigismond Cardinal Gerdil, B., Cardinal-Priest of Santa Cecilia, who on December 21, 1788, consecrated,

14. Giulio Maria Cardinal della Somaglia, Cardinal-Bishop of Ostia (e Velletri), who on May 25, 1823, consecrated,

15. Carlo Cardinal Odescalchi, S.J., Cardinal-Priest of Santi XII Apostoli, who on December 21, 1828, consecrated,

16. Costantino Cardinal Patrizi Naro, Cardinal-Bishop of Ostia (e Velletri), who on November 5, 1871, consecrated,

17. Lucido Maria Cardinal Parocchi, Cardinal-Priest of Santa Croce in Gerusalemme, who on November 16, 1884, consecrated,

18. Pope Pius X (St. Giuseppe Melchiorre Sarto), who on December 22, 1907, consecrated,

19. Pope Benedict XV (Giacomo Giambattista della Chiesa), who on May 13, 1917, consecrated,

20. Pope Pius XII (Eugenio Maria Giuseppe Giovanni Cardinal Pacelli, Cardinal-Priest of Santi Giovanni e Paolo), who on July 25, 1937, consecrated,

21. Eugène-Gabriel-Gervais-Laurent Cardinal Tisserant, Cardinal-Bishop of Ostia, who on December 12, 1954, consecrated,

22. Pope Paul VI (St. Giovanni Battista Enrico Antonio Maria Montini), who on August 1, 1969, consecrated,

23. Archbishop Emmanuel Milingo, Archbishop Emeritus of Lusaka, who on September 24, 2006, sub conditione consecrated,

24. Archbishop Peter Paul Brennan, Archbishop of the Ecumenical Catholic Diocese of the Americas was consecrated on 1978 by a) Archbishop Richard Arthur Marchenna, North America Old Roman Catholic Church. 

25. Kenneth L. Denski was consecrated on January 22, 2005.

26. Nicholas J. Cucchiaro was consecrated on November 12, 2020.

26.Benito P. Sagra was consecrated on December 27, 2020 by Nicholas J. Cucchiaro.

27. Rita Strugala LaGrow was consecrated on April 7, 2022 by Nicholas J. Cucchiaro and Benito P. Sagra.

28. Miguel Dongil Sánchez was consecrated on April 22, 2023 by Nicholas Cucchiaro and Benito P. Sagra.

Archbishop Peter Paul Brennan, Archbishop of the Ecumenical Catholic Diocese of the Americas was consecrated 2006 (sub conditione) by b) Archbishop Emmanuel Milingo, Roman Catholic Archbishop Emeritus of Lusaka, Zambia.

9-Other Apostolic Lines of Succession acquired by ++ Peter Paul Brennan:

1. Chaldean Catholic Church; thru +Patriarch Ngo Dinh Thuc

​2. Apostolic Catholic Church of Brazil; thru +Carlos Duarte Costa

​3. Old Catholic Church of Utrecht; thru +Arnold Harris Mathew

​4. African Orthodox Church; thru +Joseph Rene Vilatte

​5. Syrian Orthodox of Antioch; thru +Mar Ignatius Jacob ll

​6. Russian Orthodox Church; thru +Nikon, Metropolitan of Moscow

7. Church of England; thru +John Moore, Archbishop of Canterbury

​8. Greek Orthodox Church of Cyprus; thru +Makarios  ll

​9. Melkite-Greek Catholic  of Antioch; thru +Patriarchate Cyrillos Vlll

​10. Roman Catholic Church; thru Pope Paul VI  thru Archbishop Emmanuel Milingo


-Les Ordinations Épiscopales, Year 1719, Number 3

-Les Ordinations Épiscopales, Year 1714, Number 8

-Hierarchia Catholica, Volume 5

-The Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church, 1686

-Die Bischöfe des Heiligen Römischen Reiches

-Les Ordinations Épiscopales, Year 1678, Number 23

Les Nonciatures Apostoliques Permanentes

-Les Ordinations Épiscopales, Year 1625, Number 2

-Les Ordinations Épiscopales, Year 1604, Number 27

-Le Petit Episcopologe, Issue 176, Number 14

-The Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church, 20 Sep 1493

-Hierarchia Catholica, Volume 3

-Les Ordinations Épiscopales, Year 1519, Number 10

-Le Petit Épiscopologe, Issue 176, Number 14

-The Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church, 10 Dec 1477

-Episcopologio Español, Volume 1500

-Les Ordinations Épiscopales, Year 1504, Number 4

-The Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church, 18 Sep 1467

-Le Petit Épiscopologe, Issue 205, Number 16

-The Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church, 18 Dec 1439

-Le Petit Épiscopologe, Issue 205, Number 16

-Hierarchia Catholica, Volume 2

Consecration of Archbishop Nicholas Cucchiaro by Archbishop Kenneth Denski (november 12, 2020).