The Celtic Cross Communion is the home of many Churches gathered into one Communion. 

Our story came out of the prayer and hope of Jesus in John 17:21, “…that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you.  May they also be in us so the world may believe that you have sent me.” 

Initially, in 2009, God extended a personal call that broke the ground for the Celtic Cross Foundation of Ministry. By 2021, the Ministry had grown into an International Communion of Clerics and Lay Faithful. Together we brought different scattered churches around the world to form a church after the very heart and vision of Jesus Christ for the new millennium. We have evolved into the Celtic Cross Communion, an institution officially registered as a non-profit organization in the State of Pennsylvania (established in 2022).

As of this date, the Celtic Cross Communion consists of the following church groups as regular and affiliated members: 

Old Catholic, Evangelical, Anglican, Orthodox, Pentecostal, Charismatic and Episcopal churches. Our different actions for ministry include: 

  • Ministry for the sick and elderly, 
  • Ministry for those in substance abuse, 
  • Ministry to the orphans and widows, 
  • Ministry to those who are victims of human trafficking and injustice, 
  • Ministry for victims of domestic violence,
  • Ministry to prisoners, 
  • Ministry to families and children, 
  • Ministry to tribal communities, 
  • Ministry of prayer and pilgrimages,
  • Special Ministry of Exorcism,
  • Special Ministry of Peace Intervention and Conflict Resolution,
  • Special Ministry for Weddings, Baptism, Funeral and other para Sacramental services.

The Celtic Cross Communion memberships are found in the United States, Spain, United Kingdom, Russia, Dominican Republic, Haiti, India, Pakistan, West Africa, Nigeria, and Uganda.

Catering to the spiritual needs of many from all walks and backgrounds of Christian Spiritual Faiths, we continue to grow and welcome others to join us.

Contact email:

Disclaimer: The Celtic Cross Communion is NOT a funding agency Church. We operate as self sufficient church ministry in each church branch. We also operate as independent church branches yet in full communion with the Mother Church: The Celtic Cross Communion.


The School Of Exorcism is intended for the training of exorcists, in the International Communion of the Celtic Cross.

The School is directed by Bishop Rita of the Diocese of Alabama, in the Eastern U.S. Archdiocese of the Celtic Cross Old Catholic Church.

Bishop Rita is currently the Chief Exorcist for the Celtic Cross Old Catholic Church (Sacred Order of Exorcist), and she has presided over 200 plus exorcisms. She is the Chief Exorcist for The Confraternity of Saint Michael The Archangel-Sacred Order of Exorcists and appeared in the Television show “Eli Roth Presents: The Legion Of Exorcists” on the Travel Channel, Discovery Plus and MAX streaming service. (June 1st through July 6th, 2023 TVL Channel.

On April 19, 2024, the Reverend Mother Lesley Bianca Bonga was ordained an exorcist priest, after her training at the School of Exorcisms.

On June 24, 2024, the Reverend Mother Stephanie Brady received diaconal ordination after her training at the School of Exorcisms.

Episode 303 Interview Bishop Rita Strugala

Recommendation from Lesley Bonga

Lesley Working with Bishop Rita at the Celtic Cross Old Catholic international school of exorcism for women has been an enlightening and beneficial pleasure on my journey. As a woman who was spending time in prayer and discernment about answering a call to spiritual warfare, Bishop Rita offered courses that not only provided the additional Knowledge I needed to serve in the way I was being called, but she provided constant support, and a down to earth attitude that honored the various ways in which we, as individuals, can be called into this ministry. I have always felt drawn to the old Catholic denomination, but it was truly a blessing to work with other women in a safe, and supportive environment that doesn’t simply accept women, but encourages them to use their innate spiritual gifts to trust in their relationship with Jesus Christ, and our Heavenly Father. It is certainly important to study theology and to be knowledgeable and competent as clergy, but Bishop Rita took it a step further by exploring topics that are multicultural and provide a unique education that empowers women to step forward boldly, and with confidence in their faith and calling to serve all of God‘s people without judgment. Knowing that I have been given the formation needed to serve in the ministry of exorcism from competent instructors who have devoted their lives to God and this ministry, who have amassed experience and dedication to this cause is an honor and privilege. I am proud to say I am in the first graduating class of spiritual, female warriors at Celtic Cross International, old Catholic school of exorcism for women. Lesley Bonga Clinical Mental Health Counselor.

Recommendation from Erica Versace

Knowing very little about exorcists I received Gods blessing to become one, and so I sought training through traditional churches. As you can imagine, the idea was promptly turned down because I was a female and the devil has a stronghold on cultural bias against women serving as Priests. I refused to accept no for an answer because I knew my calling came from God and no man could make me defy my Father. I began my search for any exorcist who would take me in and teach me the churches ways without regard for my minor physiological differences. Immediately upon looking I found the advertisement for Eli Roth’s “Legion of Exorcists” with Bishop Rita Strugala smack dab on the cover! I was dumbfounded because this was a woman! The timing meticulously fell into place and I knew it was no coincidence, so I had to contact her. The Bishop responded to my messages promptly, and listened to my testimony over the course of weeks without judgement. She mentioned the school and I knew without a doubt that this was all a part of God’s plan and his will coming to fruition. I am now a proud graduate of first class ever held, and I can not say enough amazing things about The Celtic Cross School of Exorcism for Women and the education and training I received. The lessons are as priceless as the continued acceptance and support given by all of the Celtic Cross Old Catholic Church Leadership. Our leaders have been blessed to recognize and resist the evil forces that keep Gods people divided, and I look forward to seeing this school prosper and serve God in building his army to triumphs over the evil we have seen plague our nations throughout history. I encourage all individuals who have received a true calling to serve God to serve it with all you have.  Thank you Bishop Rita.

The Exorcism of Ann and Sean (shared with the consent of the participants.)

On Feb. 21st, 2016 I received a call from a young lady named Ann.

“Hi, I think I need your help. I live with my fiancé’ in his mothers house along with his sister and my fiancé’ is telling me I am doing things I have no memory of. 

Yesterday I did the wash and hung up all of his clothes. Then last night I took the freshly laundered clothes  off the hangers and put them back in the washing machine. 

Sean said “what are you doing?!”  

He said my eyes were black when I turned to him and I said “I wonder what it would feel like if I put her arm in there when the machine is on the spin cycle…” 

He said I got the biggest grin on my face and I have no memory of any of it.”

I took notes while we talked. 

There were four people living in this home. 

Sean’s mom who is in her 50’s, 

Sean’s sister who is in her mid thirties, Sean who is 32 and Ann who is 31. 

Ann had said she moved into the house with Sean’s family a year ago. 

Her fiancé has lived there all his life. 

Both of them are scared of the closet in Sean’s room, and apparently he had always had a fear of it when he was growing up.  

Evan though he fears it, Sean talks to it. 

Shadow men, he claimed, have come out of the closet. 

He’s also saw black mists develop in several of the rooms. 

Ann claimed a crucifix had flown off the bedroom wall and shattered, hitting Ann in the head just that morning. 

There is banging on the walls and doors, at all hours of the day and night randomly, and voices constantly all over the house, though, the voices usually start up around 4:00 pm and goes all night long.

I spoke to the team and we made plans to head to Irondale, AL on Feb. 28th, 2016 at 3:00 pm.

On Fed. 28th, 2016 we were on our way to Irondale, AL. to do the exorcism and house cleansing. 

Colleen, my senior sensitive, met me at my house to ride down to Irondale with me. 

As Colleen and I talked about various things, I remember sharing with her the following…

“Colleen, do you remember when we first started getting into all these really deep cases? 

How we had about a year of cases where all we saw were the good things, the amazing things… where we saw the actual stairway to Heaven? How we both saw the same Angel at the same time at the stables? 

How we ended up with a Bishop on our team? All the cool things that finally made me say ‘I get it Lord, you’ve got my back. 

I will do as you ask’. 

God knows, I NEVER wanted to  get into the darkest side of the paranormal. 

I’ve spent my whole life staying as  far from it as possible!”

“Remember how we talked about  we are seeing all the best now, and at some point we will be seeing all the worst? 

Then sure enough, it started happening… the cases got bad, and before long REAL bad… real, REAL BAD. 

Jesus worked real hard for a  year to show me, ‘He had my back’… 

it took Him that long to convince me that the one thing I had stayed away from all my life, was the one thing He really wanted me to do… to fight the darkness.” 

I shook my head.

Colleen looked at me. 

“Oh hell yes! I remember it all very clearly! People would never  believe the things we have seen.”

“Shoot!” I said, “I wouldn’t either  if I hadn’t seen it!”

We were quiet for a couple moments before I said, “I hope you don’t take this the wrong way, but sometimes I really miss that. I miss the blatant, in your face, ‘See? I DO have your back!’  

I mean, I KNOW HE DOES, I just really miss the awe I felt when I would be filled with disbelief and wonder knowing there was simply no other explanation… you know? 

I just sometimes miss that renewal of faith or whatever you call it. 

I don’t know how else to explain it.”

Colleen nodded. 

“Yeah, I know what you are saying.”

Twenty minutes later we met  up with Father Art, Father Billy & Rose in the back parking lot of a church, so we could take Holy Communion before entering the demons lair. 

I stepped outside my car and felt the sun on my face for the first time in four days. 

It was still kind of cool out, but 

the sun shinning made up for that. 

Rose’s face looked slightly 

swollen and didn’t look like she felt good. She was tired and had just gotten back from her trip to Savannah, GA. but said there was no way she was missing this case.

Father Billy set up his portable  alter on the tailgate of his truck  and he and Art began Holy  Communion.

I closed my eyes and listened to  the gospel, the sun on my face felt  so good. 

While my eyes were closed I started to notice how the light behind my eyes was getting gradually brighter and  gradually warmer… I was basking in it, it felt so good!!! 

When the light got blindingly bright, I started to get uneasy… what was happening?! 

All of a sudden, I saw Jesus HIMSELF standing right in front of me! 

He reached His hand out to lay it  on my head and startled, I stepped backwards and away from HIM!

In my mind, I said to Him  

“NO! Don’t touch me, I am unworthy!”

I realized, in horror what 

I had just done! 

I did not take a step TOWARDS  my Savior, I stepped AWAY from HIM!

Tears stung my eyes and slid silently down my cheeks and I hung my head in shame, as I couldn’t stand to see the disappointment in His eyes.

As I stood there, to my surprise, Jesus took another step towards me and with my head bowed, one of my tears fell onto His sandaled foot. 

I stood perfectly still, in anguish, that I had stepped back from Him instead of falling at His feet.

He gently put His hand on my head. 

I felt the warmth of that touch, and I have never felt so  loved and so unworthy of 

His love, but I could no longer  say I was unworthy. 

Who am I to argue with the  Lord Jesus Christ?!? 

Then He stepped to my side where Colleen was standing with eyes closed.

I opened my eyes and although 

I could no longer see Him, I could  FEEL HIM. He was standing in front of Colleen now, I knew, because the tears were streaming down her face as well. 

I knew He was anointing all  of us, and as I watched, I knew  when He stood in front of Father Art, as the tears, started  to slide down his cheeks.

After He anointed Rose, her face was no longer swollen and she felt much better! 

We were all excited and amazed! 

As I turned to say something to Colleen I realized I had just received what I asked for just  30 mins prior! 

He not only showed me, yet again, ‘He has my back’, He confirmed it IN PERSON.

What more could I possibly ask for?

After Communion, we drove 3 miles and parked in front of the house. It was a little cool outside but still nice for a February day. 

A young woman, whom I assumed to be Ann came  out to greet us.

I looked at her face and I smiled,  but everything within me was 

screaming to stay away from her,  not to trust her for a moment, for 

it was not Ann I was meeting, it was  the demon.

When I see a possessed person,  I see their eyes go black briefly… 

Ann’s eyes went black and stayed  black. 

I knew there were way more  than one in her.

I stepped forward and  shook her hand.  

“Hello Ann, I’m Rita, nice  to meet you.” 

I introduced everyone and  we headed inside.  

Colleen was picking up on a  portal at the end of the house,  in the front yard and it eclipsed  the back half of the house. Ann was going on about the things  that had been happening  in the house and we stepped inside,  the first thing that struck me was  the smell…. and the flies… in  February.

The house was dark and unkempt. 

We stepped into Sean’s bedroom and it was oppressive and very hard to walk through with all the  clothes and things all over the floor. 

It was piled up two feet high off  the floor and it smelled like  unwashed bodies.

After taking photos and noting  where the spirits were in this  room, we went into the  kitchen/dining room area. 

I was shocked that people could  live this way, day in and day out.

There were dirty dishes piled into the sink with stuck on food.

God knows how long they had been there, as there was mold in some of them.

They were piled haphazardly all  the way down the counter tops  and were also on top of the stove. 

Fruit flies were everywhere. 

“Well, at least I know the source  of the flies.” I thought. 

But I would soon find out, I had  seen nothing yet.

We toured each room, each one worse than the last. 

The only two rooms that were relatively free of all the trash was the living room, and the mothers room which was located all the way down the hall and to the right. 

As we headed down the hallway to view the sisters room, which was  located at the end of the hall and  to the left, directly across the hall  from the mother, Sean turned to us and said 

“You can’t go into my sisters room. 

She is in there and she won’t come out.”

The stench was horrible coming from that room, but it was the site that greeted my eyes I just couldn’t get over.

Looking down the hall towards the sisters room, the door frame was actually pushed into the hallway from the trash spilling out of her room!

Father Art addressed Sean. 

“If there is anywhere in this house we can not go, we will leave now. When we do the 

cleansing we have to cleanse 

every room, because it will 

go to the one room we are not 

allowed to cleanse, and it will 

defeat the purpose of this visit. “

Sean shook his head. 

“I understand, but she won’t 

come out of the room. 

She’s been like this for years. 

I’ve cleaned out her room before 

but it is soon back to this.”

Sean looked embarrassed at the 

state of his sisters filth, and well

he should. This was simply nasty 

and no one should have to live like 


We drove over two hours to 

come help these people and 

we wern’t leaving until we 

finished this job.

Colleen was ticked off and just 

as disgusted as I was. She went 

down the hall, climbed over the 

pile of trash that was literally five 

feet off the floor and ordered the 

woman out of the room. 

I was taking pictures and still 

couldn’t believe my eyes! 

The pile of trash started out 

in the hallway, and piled up 

high into the woman’s room and 

all the way over to the bed. 

I looked at the trash and smelled 

the stench and had to hold my 

breath. There were used Depends diapers, half eaten food and bottles of half drunk drinks. Completely disgusting.

I turned to Sean. 

“She needs help Sean, she is not right in her mind to live like this.”

Sean nodded. 

“Yeah, I know, but she’s a teacher 

and says she has no time to go see some shrink.” 

I knew she had a demon, just as 

Sean and Ann did, but I knew 

there was no way this woman 

would consent to a exorcism. 

We’d be lucky just to get her out 

of this room.

“Look, maybe you don’t want 

our help…” Colleen told the woman, “But we were called here to help the others, so you need to leave this room long enough for us to do a cleansing. ” 

With that, Colleen stepped 

through the four feet of trash 

piled high, and then came out of 

the room.

Directly across the hall was 

the mothers room. 

We went in and I was surprised 

to see her in there.

“Oh! Hello…” I said. 

Her room was neat and orderly 

and comfortable. 

I could not understand how 

she could condone what went 

on in the rest of this house.

After the walk through, we 

went out of the house and 

walked the grounds.

“The portal is over the whole 

back half of this house. 

That’s part of why the sister stays 

in this filth.” Colleen said. 

I nodded. “Exactly what I was thinking.”

I looked at my notes from prior 

conversations with Ann. 

“The sister is actually a kindergarten teacher. I can’t believe she holds down a job teaching kids, Sean say’s 

she goes to work and just comes 

home and lays in that filth 

till it’s time to go to work again.

She seriously needs help.”

We all took our places in the yard 

to start closing the portal. I glanced over at the driveway when I caught movement out of the corner of my eye. 

As cold as it was that day (in the mid 40’s) we saw Sean’s sister 

leave the house in nothing but a 

tee-shirt and wearing Depends 

adult diaper. No pants. 

No shoes. No coat or sweat shirt.

She got into her car in the driveway and stayed there, glaring at us.

“Come on, let’s close this portal and get the house cleansed. We still have a lot of work to do.”

After the portal was closed, we 

headed back inside with my 

cleanse kit and Holy water.

We started at one end of the house and cleansed to the other, pushing all the negative spirits out. 

Then we set up an area in the 

living room to do the two exorcisms. 

We had enough people with us to 

hold Ann down if need be, 

so I didn’t bother with the 


Father Art sat in front of Ann 

and explained the procedure to her. 

I shook my head as I knew 

she was already in possessed mode, and a sly smile split her face. 

Her eyes as black as pitch.

I laughed to myself, knowing 

how much Father Billy hated to 

see a demon smirk.

“If I were you demon, I wouldn’t 

smirk.”  I stated. I saw a huge smile on Father Billy’s face as he got ready to restrain Ann from behind the chair.

Father Art studied Ann as she

sat in front of him, and 

then started the ritual.

He began to quietly speak in 

tongues and anointed Ann’s 

head with oil.

“Lucifer and all your company 

in there, I command you to come 

out in the name of Jesus Christ. 

You haven’t been in her that long, 

so you are not as entrenched as 

others, come out of Ann right 

now in the name of Jesus Christ. 

You were defeated 2000 years ago and you are defeated now, come on out of her in the name of Jesus Christ.”

The demon looked out of Ann’s 

eyes and a sly smirk graced her 

lips… but just for a moment.

Father Art picked up the 

Holy water and slung it at her in 

the sign of the cross and the demon recoiled and screamed. 

The smirk quickly left her face. 

Both Father Billy and Father Art 

worked on the demons through 

the name of Jesus Christ. 

Several smaller demons left 

without much of a fight, but the 

bigger ones dug in deeper, intending to ride out the fight.

Again the demon began to smirk 

and again it was hit with holy 

water and screamed.

After a few moments, the demon 

changed tactics and started laughing. 

I glanced up to see how Ann’s 

boyfriend Sean was taking all this. 

He stood solemnly, away from us, 

his eyes black and I knew his 

demons were about to add into 

the fray, but for right now, he was 

holding them back.

I glanced back to Ann as the demon smirked and laughed.

“Oh Seannnnn…..” The demon drew out his name. 

“I’ve got your brotherrrrr…” 

it said in a sing song voice.

How very cruel I thought. 

“Don’t listen to her Sean, the 

devil is the Father of lies and deceit.” 

I glanced at his stricken face. 

He said nothing, but I could tell he 

heard her, and the barb struck home.

Ann started to cry and winced in pain. 

Father Art and Father Billy kept 

wearing the demon down and 

commanding it out in Jesus Holy 


“Ann, I know you can hear me…” 

I said. 

“You have dominion over your 

body, they don’t. Cast it out. All you 

have to say is ‘I CAST YOU OUT IN 


Say it.”

Ann opened her mouth and tried…

” I…I… ca… ca…c…. cast…. y….” and 

she started choking and couldn’t 

get any air. After a moment, 

it stopped choking her.

“Come on Ann,” I encouraged, 

“You can do this! Say it! 

‘I cast you out in the name of 

Jesus Christ’… you can do this!”

Ann started again. 

“I…. ” she could go no further, 

 her mouth just remained 

open, but nothing was coming out. 

Father Art took that opportunity 

to squeeze Holy Water into 

her mouth. 

The demon spit it back at him 


Ann tried again.

“I… I… cas…cast…” and it began 

to choke her again.

“Come on Ann, you can do this!” 

I encouraged. “Keep trying!”

“I … cast… I… cast… y…. “

“Keep trying!” I urged, while 

Father Art and Billy kept exorcising 

the demons.

“I… ca… cast…. y…you…..o….o…out… “

“Come on, you can do this Ann! 

In the name of Jesus!” 

“I… in….th…th…the….n…name… 

o…of…. J….J…J…” and the demon 

grabbed hold of her throat.

More holy water was slung and 

the demons recoiled, and in that 

instant, Ann said “J…J…Jesus!”

I was proud of her for finally 

being able to say it!

“Again Ann!” I encouraged. 

“I cast you out in the name of Jesus!”

The demon twisted in the 

chair and glared at me, and I took 

that opportunity to command 

the demon out. 

“In the name of Jesus Christ, 

you have been defeated 

demon, she has cast you out 

in His precious name and you 

must go to the foot of the 

cross NOW.” 

The demon looked at me with  

hatred, and then Ann’s head fell 

to the side and she was out.

It wasn’t long and Ann came to. 

Suddenly, Ann’s head came back 

up and a malevolent sneer on her face. 

Her eyes were black and beady 

looking, this definitely was NOT Ann. 

This demon drew back her 

head and fixed it’s stare on Father Art. 

I knew this was a completely 

different demon than the other 

ones we’d dealt with earlier.

“Get ready to grab her guys…” 

I warned. “Here we go!”

Ann weighed all of 100 lbs 

soaking wet and with five of us 

holding her back, she still 

leaned into Father Art.

He hit her with Holy water 

and the demon recoiled from it, 

and the Rite began in earnest.

The demon hissed and growled 

and turned Ann’s head 30 

degree’s to stare at Rose.

“You don’t scare me!” 

Rose told the demon. 



The demon just stared at her. 

Father Art took that moment 

to put the sign of the cross

on Ann’s forehead in Holy Oil. 

The demon screamed in pain.

I have a blessed Rosary, 

blessed by 3 different Popes. 

I put it to her forehead and 

she writhed in pain, and just after, 

Ann seemed to go unconscious 

as that demon left.

This time, when she came back… 

it was another demon… this one 

much more talkative than the others.

“Sean….. Sean….” Ann called out, 

turning her head to the back 

of the room where Sean

stood slumped against the wall. 

“I have your brother in here”. 

She smiled with glee at his pain.

So I stepped in.

“No you don’t you liar.” 

The demon just laughed. 

“Sean… I have…*giggle* 

I have your brother…” insane 

laughter followed.

They obviously knew what 

would hurt Sean the most.

She opened her mouth to say 

more and Father Art squirted 

a bunch of Holy Water 

in and it came spewing right 

back out.

The evil grin came again to her lips.

Father Art again hit her with 

the Holy Water and again the 

demon recoiled like a snake.

Ann’s face and hands contorted in 

misery and pain.

Again and again it was commanded 

out in Jesus name, to come forth 

out of her.

“Please…” Ann spoke in a 

tormented voice. 

“Please help me, please… 

please help me…”

But the voice was not that of Ann.

Ann tried again to say 

‘I cast you out in the name of Jesus’, 

but could not get the name of Jesus out. 

She then passed out again.

Ann came to quickly as Father Art hit her again with Holy Water.

I just happened to glance up 

and saw Sean right behind 

Colleen, his eyes black and I 

knew his demons were about 

to come after us now too.

I alerted Colleen and Father Billy. 

Father Billy turned around 

and started commanding his 

demon out. Rose went behind 

Sean to assist Father Billy.

They wrestled with his demon 

for a while and then Sean sat 

down and Billy and Rose 

returned back to work on Ann. 

“She’s MINE”! The demon hissed.

I shook my head as I got in her face.

“Not anymore she’s not, she’s a 

child of God.” 

“But… she’s got what I need!” 

the demon whined.

“I hate it for ya.” I quipped.

“Have you felt her here?” 

The demon asked. 

“Have you felt her?”

I just stared at the demon, refusing to give it what it wanted.

The demon laughed. 

“She has everything I need…”

“And you can’t have her…sucks 

to be you.” I replied. 

The demon stared at me, and tried again.

“Do you know who she is?” 

“Do you know who Jesus is?” I countered.

“I don’t CARE!” The demon hissed.

“Exactly, I don’t care who SHE is.” 

The demon tried again.

“I just know I NEED HER.” 

I had about enough of this demon.

“Can you see Jesus demon? 

Cause He is here, as we speak, and 

He defeated you 2000 years ago 

with His very birth! He defeated you as He walked the shores of Galilee… 

He defeated you when he walked on water and He defeated you when He died on the cross and saved us all! 

You are a defeated entity! Go to 

the foot of His cross and you 

will be subject to HIS will! “

The demon laughed. 

“Fuck Jesus.”

That brought on a very painful 

shower of Holy Water from both 

Father Art and Father Billy.

“Do you want to know her name?” 

The demon asked. 

“Her first name? or the one I call her?”

No one answered the demon, 

and it just continued on.

“Do you know she is special?”

I scoffed. 

“Of course she is special, every 

child of God is special to Him.”

The demon swung around to 

look at me. 

“No sweetie…”

I cut the demon off right there.

“I am not your sweetie demon, 

far from it.” 

 “She’s real.” the demon tried again. 


Father Art had enough.



The demon pleaded.

“I’ve gotta have her!” 

I shook my head at the demon.

“Well you won’t get her. I promise 

you that in the name of Jesus, 

as I claim Ann for the Kingdom 

of God, demon!”

The demon hissed.

“With her I can conquer ALL!”

“What part of ‘you can’t have her’ 

didn’t you get?” I asked the demon.

“GOD LOVES ANN and it is 

eating you up demon, because 


God loves Ann, He doesn’t 

love YOU.”

The demon looked at me with 

hate filled eyes. 

“Screw your God! 


She has what I need!”

Father Art turned her face back 

to him.

“You won’t have her demon.”

The demon turned back to me 

growling and hissing.

I shrugged.


With that I hit her with holy water again.

Several hours went by tormenting demons and making them go to the cross.

When finally the last demon left, 

Ann sat there, soaked in Holy 

water and staring at her 

hands in wonder.

“I feel light as a feather!” 

Ann exclaimed. 

She turned her hand over to 

look at the palm, then back 

over and made a fluttering motion.

I feel like I could fly I’m so light!”

I smiled. This was always the 

best part of any exorcism. 

The look of wonder on their 

faces when they realize they are 

finally free, in Jesus name.

Father Billy prayed over Ann.

“Father God, I ask you to fill 

Ann with your Holy Spirit, 

so when demons come around, 

there will be no room in the inn.” 

After that we collected our things and wished them all well. Last time I spoke with Ann she said everything was great now, and was very appreciative.

I counciled them on getting a spiritual relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ, and so far they seem to be doing fine. 

We successfully claimed another soul for the Kingdom of God.

Praise our Lord God and Jesus above, another battle fought and won.

Sobrenatural Case of October 31, 2004

Today I thought I’d share a case with you I and my group did back on October 31st, 2004. 

I received a call from a radio station down in Tuscaloosa, AL about a week before Halloween. The manager of a radio station said they have had intermittent activity they couldn’t explain ever since they moved the station into the old house  a year ago. 

Claimed lights would come on and go off when no one’s in the room, things come up missing and then appear somewhere else, they hear strange noises, someone thought they saw a shadow, but  the DJ booth/room had them all freaked out, no one wanted to work from the station. Could we come down on Halloween evening to investigate? They needed to know they weren’t crazy. 

The DJ’s would work from their home studio that night we’d have free reign of the studio. 

I got the address and the code for the alarm and assured him I’d do my best to try to get to the bottom of what they we’re experiencing. 

A couple days before our investigation, I looked up the property and house the radio station now called home. The house/station was in was a very old house with a very rich history. 

Built in 1840, it was maybe 20% Victorian looking and approx 80% farm house. The place looked HUGE. 8 bedrooms 2 bath, kitchen, parlor etc. I found out there were many deaths in the house, and amputations. The house served as a field hospital during the Civil War, the basement became a prison for rebel soldiers. 

After the war was over, the house became a funeral parlor, the basement became the morgue. 

When we went to the radio station there was a TON of energy. There were 4 of us investigating. 

We set up our equipment, and it felt like a “spirit highway “ to me, I knew there was an open portal. 

I did EVP sessions in different places at the station and I did get some interesting voices. At one point, I went outside, put my voice recorder under the house and asked “Who’s in the morgue?”

The first voice I got sounded female and like she was excited… I couldn’t tell for sure if she said “They are taking pictures in the Kitchen, kitchen kitchen” or if she said “go take pictures in the kitchen, the kitchen, kitchen”.

The second voice, a man’s voice,  right after hers said very clearly and proudly “We are fighting for our freedom!” That actually made a lot of sense since it was a hospital and morgue. 

Photo 1

I took this picture down the hall, the last room to the right was the DJ booth / room where they were reporting all kinds of activity – I’m really not surprised- I caught the open portal in this picture and if you look carefully at the end of the hall, by the DJ room you can see an entity coming through the portal… a very light gray in color and just coming into the hallway.

Photo 2 

At the top of the landing, a huge face looks in. 

Photo 3 

A closer view of the a face in the upstairs window.

Photo 4 

After getting that EVP saying something about taking a picture in the kitchen, I did just that… it wasn’t foggy when I took the picture and I didn’t see either of the two shadow people standing right in from of me! Hard to see, but if you look under the red arrows, the one on the left side was still forming, but was developed enough for the black mist to obstruct part of the crown molding – the one on the right was fully solid, not able to see any of the crown molding through the entity. 

Picture 5

This is an interesting picture for two reasons… there were 4 of us at this investigation… here you see Tracey, myself and Eric. We had caught something on the static cam in the dining room (that’s where this picture came from) and we were looking to see if any of us caught it on our cameras to corroborate the evidence… 

Reason 1: I want you to see what we look like because in a later photo I’m posting, it will be hard to tell who is who. 

Reason 2: look in the mirror and see the shadow… the other person who was there that night was investigating the grounds and was not in the house at the time this was taken.

Photo 6 

As I stood on the landing speaking to one of my investigators, I took several quick shots. Something very bright appears right in front of me and not on any of the other photos I took. 

Photo 7

Here’s where things start to get real interesting. While inside I thought I saw “someone “ pass by a 2nd story window! We all hightailed it outside after it and I was just in time to see this energy come out a window!

Photo 8

Close up of energy jumping out the window.

Photo 9 

Here’s where things get REALLY BIZARRE!!! You will notice in the next few photos the people do not look like the photo of us I showed you, the energy swirling around us was INSANE! I quickly realized (as you can see in the photo) the entire back “yard parking lot” was nothing but industrial sized generators and satellite dishes! The generators were putting out TONS of energy allowing entities to easily come and go at will!

Photo 10 

Close up of entity

Photo 11 

There was so much energy swirling around us, Tracey looks like a man in this photo.

Photo 12

Such a disturbing photo – Eric doesn’t look at all like himself, and another entity has joined there… look at the reddish colored entity to the far left in the picture!

Photo 13 

This is a close up of Eric and he looks nothing like himself at all… but more disturbing to me, is the red/tomato like entity in this photo. 

Shortly after that we shut down the portal, but with that much energy to draw from, it won’t be long and they will be having the same problems again.